Answers to Your Questions...

Here are answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

If you have a question, please feel free to email us at and we will get back to you quickly.

WhenToHelp subscription pricing is based on the number of volunteers added and the duration you want to pay ahead. Full pricing details can be found on our pricing page. Qualifying charities can apply for extended free use of WhenToHelp Lite.
Our business model is to provide an intuitive scheduling system at very low subscription prices, which does not provide us a cost effective model to include a sales team or custom demonstrations. We pass along the savings in the form of very low subscription prices.

You can get a free, no risk, 30-day trial account at, to explore our system first hand by entering your volunteer and schedule data and trying out each of our features - even letting your volunteers sign in and test the system.

You can also try out our system by using our "test drive" and view a sample organization that already has volunteers and shifts.
We also provide support through email if you have any questions, or would like us to review your scheduling requirements, to see if our system will be a good match for your needs. You can email us any time at and we usually answer within minutes.
Yes, you can schedule separate locations or departments in your account.
Yes, WhenToHelp allows you to copy shifts from week to week and you can add or delete shifts for any different type of coverage needs.
Yes, each user can have as many emails and text addresses as they like. Each address can be set up to receive any number of notifications. You can even use a single email to access multiple logins.
Yes, coordinators and volunteers can use our regular program on their phone, or they can try our fast and free mobile version on any device.
Yes, you can export some or all of your schedule information to Google Calendar, and have it automatically update in Google Calendar when you publish a new schedule week or make changes to published shifts in WhenToHelp. Then you can "share" your Google Calendar with others not in your account who need to see it. Volunteers can also export their own personal schedule to Google Calendar. Then you can sync your Outlook or iCal (or any phone calendar) to your Google Calendar just once to have the schedule appear and be automatically updated when changes are made in WhenToHelp.
Yes, WhenToHelp allows you to delete volunteers if you no longer want to schedule them but you can always view their information and past schedules.
Yes, you can use our system during your season and then we will save your data for when you return the following season. Just make a payment for immediate access to your data. If you have temporary volunteers you can delete them and later restore them if you like.
You can check out our "test drive" and see how our coordinator and volunteer interfaces work with sample data. The best way to find out if our system is a good fit for your needs is to get a free trial and try it for thirty days. If you decide to continue you can pay, if not your account will simply expire, no cancellation needed.
Yes, you can upload your spreadsheet of volunteer information from the Helper List page in your account at any time.
Yes, you can add, delete and restore volunteers at any time. Deleted helpers are not included in your Helper total. If you need to add more volunteers than your subscription level covers, you can do so at any time, then you can choose to upgrade by paying a prorated amount or agree to move your expiration date.
Volunteers must be added by a coordinator first and their sign in information will automatically be emailed to them.
Yes, an unlimited number of scheduling cordinators can be added and you control what each coordinator can see and do when they log in.
You can access all your data for as long as you have a subscription with us. You can export your volunteer and schedule data at any time and save it to your own computer.
No contract is required to subscribe to our system. You can choose to pay for any duration you like: one month, three months, six months or one year. All use of our system is covered under our Terms of Service.
Our full version prices are as low as we can possibly make them, so we are not able to offer any other discounts for non-profits. Qualifying charities can request extended free use of WhenToHelp Lite
You can track scheduled hours for each volunteer. We offer a number of statistical reports and views.

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